
Artificial intelligence in healthcare - a paper review

Christa Weßel (2013) Helicopter


The use of artificial intelligence  (AI) in healthcare is well established since years. Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) is one of the "classical" field of application. Others are for instance medical imaging and monitoring. Saxena and colleagues published in December 2023 a short paper that defines and describes health informatics and its areas that use AI. The paper aims to "understand the impact of artificial intelligence on healthcare informatics". The authors performed a literature review and worked out the opportunities and the challenges.


Saxena, PD; Mayi, K; Arun, R; Kumar, SS; Mishra, RB; Praveen, KB (2023). Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare Informatics: Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Informatics Education and Research 2023 (3): 2309-2316. https://doi.org/10.52783/jier.v3i2.384 (accessed 03 jan 2024)

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/376601831 (accessed 03 jan 2024)


Opportunities: AI algorithms can be of great accuracy in analyzing images. The paper names this and in addition "enhanced diagnostics, personalized treatment plans, clinical decision support systems (CDSS), predictive analytics for disease prevention, efficient administrative processes, telemedicine and remote patient monitoring, drug discovery and development, natural language processing (NLP), patient engagement and education, quality improvement and error reduction, research and insights, and patient engagement and education."

Challenges: The paper names "data privacy and security, ethical considerations, interoperability and integration, algorithmic bias, lack of standardization and regulation, explanation and trust, integration into clinical workflow, resource constraints, resistance to change, data quality and bias in datasets, regulatory compliance, patient acceptance and engagement, and continuous learning and adaptation."


Algorithmic bias is the aspect that is distinctive for AI in informatics. The other aspects are common in any field of computer science.

The authors conclude that money, skilled people and techologies are crucial for the appropriate use of AI in healthcare. "Skilled" implies conticued awareness, training and education in the application of AI.

The paper does not explain the method used for the literature review. The strength of the paper is the short and comprehensive overview on health informatics and health care including public health and the use of AI, aggregated in two figures.

The opportunities and challenges of AI presented in this paper hold true for other areas. Tasks like predictive analytics, decision support, efficient administrative processes, quality improvement and error reduction, research and insights, and engagement and education are common in governance, management, production and services.

Thus I'm sure, that I will recommend this short paper as first overview to colleagues, clients and students who ask: what are the challenges and opportunities of AI in our work, our society and in our daily life?


Christa Weßel - Wednesday, 03 January 2024

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